What it means to go fishing to some people? Here are a few federation members stories and experience of the sheer enjoyment and fun you can have with fishing and joining our federation. This account is from a lady member of ours Debbie Withers a top class competition angler, but as you will read that is not always what angling is about.
I remember catching my first fish at Cushendun beach, a turbot. The thrill I got catching it was hard to shift and I very quickly became "hooked". I enjoy many aspects of fishing, the buzz of the competition, the comradeship , obviously catching fish but what I enjoy the most is the privilege of experiencing nature at it's best. Having seen so many wonderful sights while fishing, shooting stars, wild deer, birds of prey one sight has to take president. It happened on a rock mark at Cruit Island Donegal on a beautiful summers day into clear blue deep water. From a distance I seen movement in the water coming towards me. Within minutes about 20 dolphins with young put on a performance so close I had to bring my line in. They somersaulted and flipped for 40 mins and I remember clapping and yelling like a child on Christmas morning I was so excited. What a truly priceless memory which will stay with me forever. Money could not buy you that.