NIFSA fished its first league match for a couple of months and anglers were eager to get back at it. Longfields was the venue just outside Eglinton, within the River Foyle catchment basin area and flounders were the main target. 30+ anglers fished this walled venue and fishing was quite slow with a stiff North Westerly wind and an up and over high tide fishing period. There was a late flourish of flounder which helped keep anglers busy. Results were as follows Zone A 1st with 8 fish Davy "the Hoff" Hilditch 2nd with 7 fish Marcus Blaz 3rd with 6 Fish JoJo Graham
Zone B 1st with 9 fish Alan Smallwood 2nd with 8 fish Harry Mckee Jnr 3rd with 7 fish Paddy O'Boyle
Longest Round fish Jamie Horn 39cm Flounder Longest round fish Harry Mckee Snr 19cm Smelt